Thursday, January 14, 2010

8 of 365

"And then Clyde just plain lost it.."

Micron Pen + Copic Marker for the blazing green eyes of indignant feline fury.


  1. That is one pissed of kitty. He's adorable :)

  2. Off. Pissed *off*. I can spell, really.

  3. Nice clean lines! Say, I'm doing a 365 project as well. Why don't we all link to each other?

  4. I'd say that puddytat does *not* like the sweater.

    I love the fact that the only color is the eyes. This way you automatically focus on the eye's instead of the sweater. I love this one.

  5. Klaas - Yes we should link to each other! I think around day 60 or so we're going to need to support each other to keep that motivation fresh!

  6. i'm already having trouble putting the pieces online. I do them, and I love doing them, but scanning, correcting and uploading is such a bore :)
