Wednesday, February 10, 2010

35 of 365

Ok, so I have no idea in this world what this cartoon is about. See, I had this really intense day in class today and when I came home I was coughing quite a bit so I decided to avail myself of the codeine based cough syrup my doctor prescribed me recently. And then I watched TV for awhile and right about when the codeine was kicking in, I remembered that I hadn't drawn anything today. So I sat down to draw and this fell out.
And I just don't know what the heck is going on in this picture. Why is this creature bald? Is he mad or just really exerting himself? Why is he in his underwear? And what's the pillow strapped to his back all about? 

It makes no sense at all. This is what comes of drinking from bottles marked "Drink me.." I suppose..

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