Saturday, July 30, 2011

Cafe Triste, Berkeley CA

I took Ree out today to do some drawing en plein air as we artist types call it. Soren had some errands to run so we settled in at the Cafe Triste in Berkeley and did a bit of life drawing. I didn't draw any single person so much as form a kind of aggregate person from bits and pieces. The sweater was from one guy, the hair from another and the attitude towards his sandwich is from still another.

I feel more comfortable drawing this way because if anyone catches me looking at them, they can't come crashing over and yell at me about how I'm drawing them -  because plainly I won't be. And yes, that scenario has actually happened to me. Never underestimate the land speed of crazy in the San Francisco Bay area.

Anyhow, it was nice to get out of the studio for a bit and spend some good artist's date time out with my daughter, a pot of Irish breakfast tea and our sketchbooks.

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